
Research Article

Arrhythmia of the heart - computer analysis

VI Kaganov*

Published: 20 September, 2019 | Volume 4 - Issue 3 | Pages: 131-134

The problem of synchronization of oscillations of various physical nature is discussed. From the standpoint of the theory of synchronism, a model of the heart is considered as a system of four connected between self-oscillating links: two atria and two ventricles. The synchronous and asynchronous operating modes are considered at sinusoidal and relaxation oscillations. A computer program has been compiled that simulates the fluctuations in the heart using four differential equations. Four examples of calculation according to the program are given for asynchronous and synchronous operation modes. The possibility of evaluating the ablation procedure from the perspective of a computer model is discussed.

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Arrhythmia; Heart model; Synchronization; Computer analysis


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